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Introducing Our NEW Name – Yonge North York BIA (formerly Willowdale BIA)

Effective June 14, 2023 City Council adopted the request to have the Willowdale BIA name changed to Yonge North York BIA.  After an extensive market research analysis and consultation process with stakeholders, our business membership voted on the new name at our third annual general meeting that took place in January 2023.  

The market research conducted revealed that a direct, geographic reference resonated better when business owners, workers and nearby residents were asked to describe our core location.  In order to sustain the economic prosperity of the district and to set us apart from other BIAs, we also value that our new name associates us with the most iconic street in Toronto (Yonge Street) in the central business district of North York.  

Our official name change will now kick start the development of a new logo and brand identity for the area that stretches three (3) kilometres along the Yonge Street corridor.  This vibrant and urban community starts at Hwy 401 and ends at Bishop Avenue (Just past the Finch Subway station).   

The new logo and brand identity that will represent our 1,600 business and commercial property members is slated to launch late fall 2023.  

2023 @ Yonge North York BIA - Design by Tuyo Project | Privacy Policy

Introducing Our NEW Name – Yonge North York BIA (formerly Willowdale BIA)


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